Workshop-You are beautiful

Many young people are insecure about their looks. In itself, this is not surprising, as images of 'perfectly' shaped photo models, artists, athletes and film stars are everywhere. Sometimes this unrealistic aspiration can lead to excesses such as Bulimia or Anorexia. Not surprisingly, many of these young people have a false image of themselves and others. They often do not know that these perfect pictures are often created through photo editing. In this workshop, students learn all about the art of photo editing. They will use all kinds of techniques related to digital retouching, such as smart retouching, working with layers, liquify, masking and layer modes. They are tasked with completely reshaping a photo of themselves or a well-known person into the ideal image they have in mind. They are also instructed to choose another photo and make a deformed version of it.
Key objectives
Learning digital photo editing by working with Photoshop variant.
In addition, they learn to put themselves in the mind of the artist. They do this by exploring and applying a mix of artistic and technical means. The pupil learns to use visual or auditory means to report on participation in artistic activities, both as a spectator and as a participant. (core objective 51) The pupil learns to reflect orally or in writing on his own work and the work of others, including that of artists. (core objective 52)
Workshop number: 0038
Target group: VWO / HAVO / VMBO / VSO
Duration: 100 minutes (2 lessons)
Number of participants: 30 pupils
Location: At school
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