Workshop-Worst case scenario

Global warming is one of the issues that preoccupies today's society. It is therefore difficult for many young people to imagine what it would be like if this scenario became true. It is therefore difficult for many people to imagine what it would be like if this scenario became true. What would the world be like then? Would everything be flooded? Would there be a new ice age? This workshop aims to get students thinking about this and it teaches them, using photoshop, to create a visual representation of this. In this way, an unimaginable scenario gets a face.
Students will work in groups at a computer and search the internet for information on disasters. They then choose a disaster scenario that they will digitally visualise. This could be, for example, a flood, a polluted unlivable environment, a forest fire, world war, etc. Then they find a picture of their nearby environment and start using photoshop to turn it into a real disaster area. Selecting photos, cutting, pasting, adjusting colours and saturation are just a few of tools they can use. When they are done, the works can be discussed in class.
Key objectives
Learning the medium of photography by working with different camera angles, as well as understanding the technical workings of a camera. In addition, the sense of composition, expression and visual language is strengthened. The pupil learns to use visual or auditory means to report on participation in artistic activities, both as a spectator and as a participant. The pupil learns to reflect orally or in writing on his own work and the work of others, including artists. (core objectives 50, 51 and 52)
Workshop number: 0237
Target group: VWO / HAVO / VMBO / VSO
Duration: 100 minutes (2 lessons)
Number of participants: 30 pupils
Location: At school
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