Workshop stop motion

Stop motion is a technique where you can make an animated film using photos. By taking a different photo of a subject each time, it appears to move. This technique is perfect for storytelling for secondary school students.
Skills such as communication, cooperation and visualisation play an important role. In groups, pupils make up their own stories using toys or other materials. They can also craft their own figures and backgrounds.
By using the green screen function, for instance, they can choose any background they want. There are also all kinds of features in the programme where they can add music, create credits, speed up, slow down, etc.
Key objectives
Learning how to handle the animation film medium by working with different animation techniques, as well as understanding and applying their possibilities. In addition, the sense of composition, expression, storytelling and visual language is strengthened. The pupil learns to use visual or auditory means to report on participation in artistic activities, both as a spectator and as a participant. (core objective 51) The pupil learns to reflect orally or in writing on his own work and the work of others, including that of artists. (core objective 52)
Workshop number: 0031
Target group: VWO / HAVO / VMBO / VSO
Duration: 100 minutes (2 lessons)
Number of participants: 30 pupils
Location: At school
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