Digital creativity


Photo courtesy

Photography is a fun, varied and educational activity. But unfortunately, photography is often considered a serious business. It doesn't have to be that way! In the photo jokes workshop, you will learn that photography can also contain a lot of humour. In a simple way, the functions of a photo camera/tablet are explained. The positioning of the participants seems to create an optical illusion. The photographer's point of view can also influence a photographed image.

In this workshop, students are divided into small groups. One photo camera is available per group. The photographer places the children in a certain way. Using the environment and themselves, the children will stage funny pictures. Good estimation of space and depth is very important for this. A well-known photo joke is someone who appears to be pushing the tower of Pisa over. Afterwards, the pupils look at the results on a digiboard.

Key objectives
De leerlingen leren om fotografie te gebruiken om te communiceren. Zo kunnen zij onderwerpen, zoals zij die waarnemen, vertalen via een digitaal instrument. Zij krijgen enige kennis over en waardering voor aspecten van storytelling. Tevens verwerven zij in een verkennende fase animatiefilm vaardigheden en technieken. Daarnaast leren zij om te gaan met nieuwe media, zoals tablets en iPads. De leerlingen leren anders te kijken naar hun omgeving, evenals het verbeteren van hun zintuiglijke waarnemingen. (kerndoelen 54 en 55)



Workshop number: 0002

Target group: Primary school groups 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8

Duration: 60 minutes

Number of participants: 35 students

Location: At school


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