Workshop-Dancing drones

You see drones more and more these days. They are used for firefighting, agriculture, tracking and building inspections, among other things. In some countries, they are also used to deliver medicine to remote areas. But that you can also make drones 'dance' is less known. In this new workshop, children will learn all about drones and what regulations are in place. After an explanation, students will be divided into small groups and given a drone to fly. This will teach them that there are all kinds of things you can do with the drone. Including making the drone 'dance'. With lots of practice and good communication between them, these 'dances' become more and more fun and creative. In this contemporary workshop, children learn to interact with this technology in a playful and creative way.
Key objectives
Students learn to use media to communicate. This allows them to translate topics as they perceive them through a digital tool. They gain some knowledge about and appreciation for aspects of their environment. Also, in an exploratory phase, they acquire knowledge about new techniques such as drone technology. In addition, they learn to interact with new media such as drone technology. The pupils learn to look differently at their environment, as well as improving their sensory perceptions. (core objectives 54 and 55)
Workshop number: 0243
Target group: Primary education groups 7 and 8
Duration: 90 minutes
Number of participants: 30 pupils
Location: At school
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