Digital creativity

Workshop-Pesting is how you do it

Bullying is how you do it

Every day, many hundreds of children are bullied. Both in primary and secondary schools. Often, children have no idea of the impact of their behaviour. In many cases it is a nasty remark, a nasty growl or sometimes it is the body posture that hurts other children. The way something is said or done often hits hard. This workshop is specially designed to visualise this bullying and to show how it can be done differently. The class is divided into smaller groups. One child per group gets a camera. He or she films the other children in the group while they are given assignments. The assignments are positive or negative in nature. In this way, a role-play is created in which the behaviour of children among themselves is simulated. This role-play is recorded as best as possible. The film footage is edited by the pupils so that a positive and a negative film remain. In this way, children become more aware of how they interact with each other. Afterwards, they can reflect on each other's film.

Key objectives
Students learn to use pictures to communicate. This allows them to translate subjects as they perceive them through a digital tool. They gain some knowledge about, and appreciation for, aspects of their environment. They also acquire photographic skills and techniques in an exploratory phase. They also learn to handle new media, such as cameras. The pupils learn to look differently at their environment as well as to improve their sensory perception. (core objectives 54 and 55)



Workshop number: 0219

Target group: Primary school groups 6, 7 and 8

Duration: 90 minutes

Number of participants: 30 pupils

Location: At school


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