Workshop-Fake news film

Fake news is something that occupies society these days. News stories whose authenticity can be disputed appear everywhere. That young people are especially vulnerable to this phenomenon they often do not sufficiently realise. In this educational workshop, we will explore the concept of fake news, as it is also known. When is something fake news? By whom and why is it spread? Who benefits from it? Students are divided into smaller groups. Using their own smartphones, they will search for messages they suspect are 'fake news'. Then they are going to invent a fake news story themselves. Using a green screen, they are going to film their own message. So that it resembles a real news item. They have to pay close attention to a number of characteristics of fake news, such as credibility, sources, filming style, camera angles, etc.
Key objectives
Learning to use the medium of video by working with different camera angles, as well as understanding and applying green screen filming techniques. In addition, a sense of composition, expression and visual language is strengthened. The pupil learns to use visual or auditory means to report on participation in artistic activities, both as a spectator and as a participant. (core objective 51) The pupil learns to reflect orally or in writing on his own work and the work of others, including that of artists. (core objective and 51 and 52)
Workshop number: 0120
Target group: VWO / HAVO / VMBO / VSO
Duration: 100 minutes (2 lessons)
Number of participants: 25 pupils
Location: At school
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